Become a Member of ISPRES
The ISPRES leadership invites you to join a growing organization dedicated to advancing the science and practice of regenerative plastic surgery and providing plastic surgeons with a forum to share knowledge and research and exchange ideas.
Member Benefits
- Certificate of Membership
- The ISPRES Newsletter
- Access to the members-only section of the website, including articles from key opinion leaders, member directory, videos, abstracts and articles related to regenerative plastic surgery
Access to the Plastic Surgery Education Network
- Discounted Congress Registration
- Use of the ISPRES logo for use on your marketing materials
- Being a part of an organization primarily focused on the emerging and fascinating field of regenerative plastic surgery
Membership Categories
Active Members
Actively practicing plastic surgeons who have completed plastic surgery training in an accredited institution in home country, with a demonstrated interest in regenerative plastic surgery (to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee). Member must be in good standing of respective national plastic surgery society.
ISPRES is proud to offer a 10% discount to new members who apply for a two-year membership. Current members should contact to find out more.
Associate Members
Scientists holding a university degree or non-plastic surgeons, who must provide evidence of a special interest in regenerative plastic surgery.
Resident Members
Plastic surgeons or other Scientists either in training or a recent graduate of a training program with a demonstrated interest in regenerative plastic surgery. Enrollment in residency program verified at time of application. Applicants that are also enrolled in a fellowship may apply for this category for a maximum of two concurrent years immediately upon completion of their training program.
Member Dues
Membership Dues are $150.00 (all except for Residents)
Resident and Fellowship Dues are $0.00 upon verification
Special Consideration of Membership
The ISPRES Application to Special Consideration of Membership was developed by the Board of Directors to consider those individuals that do not meet the defined criteria or experiencing financial hardship who has a proven interest in regenerative plastic surgery, adipose tissue, stem cell applications and/or research.